Quotes on the Devotee Care Vision

The Vision Statement

Every devotee is spiritually happy and materially well-situated, positively identifying with

ISKCON as a caring Society. Each devotee (a) responsibly looks after his or her diverse needs

(b) can easily and successfully seek qualified help within the Society, and (c) wholeheartedly

extends that care to others.

Spiritually happy:

“A devotee is always happy in possessing the devotional service of the Lord.” (SB 4.31.21 pur)

“Everyone should follow [Krishna] only or His orders, and that will make all happy, both materially and

spiritually.” (SB 1.8.4 pur)

Materially well-situated:

“The soldiers in this Krishna consciousness movement must always possess physical strength, enthusiasm

and sensual power. To keep themselves fit, they must therefore place themselves in a normal condition

of life. What constitutes a normal condition will not be the same for everyone, and therefore there are

divisions of Varnashrama – brahmana, kshatriya, vaishya, shudra, brahmacharya, grihastha, vanaprashtha

and sannyasa.” (SB 8.2.30 pur)

“…but actual devotees and saintly persons are always anxious to see how the people can be made happy

both materially and spiritually.” (SB 4.14.07 pur)


“…overdependence on another’s mercy… sap[s] the very vitality of human energy.” (SB 1.1. 10 pur)

Seek help when needed:

“For absolute protection from all sorts of fear, as well as for all our needs of life, we must take shelter of

the lotus feet of the Lord…” (SB 2.6.7 pur)

“Asking for help reveals strength, not weakness.” (Margie Warrell, Forbes columnist)

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:”

(Bible, Mathew 7.7)

Extending caring to others:

Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is Vedic civilization. “Let everyone be happy.” That is Vedic civilization. And

the demonic civilization, they’re [thinking]: “Let everyone suffer; I [will] become happy.“

(Srila Prabhupada, Morning Walk, Vrindavana, 15/03/1974)